Sunday, May 16, 2010

So much to do, so little time

I haven't been posting as much as I probably should, this blog is more of a way for me to stay accountable rather than a "hey this is what I'm up to" kind of thing. Not like many people follow anyways though :-P
Anyways, we still don't have a functioning scale in the house, so I have no idea how much weight I've gained (or haven't... fingers crossed) since my last appointment. I've been pretty lax on keeping my food journal on SparkPeople... bad bad Laura! I have to say though, that I mentally count the calories in everything that I eat. I'm sure I'm going over my target, by how much I don't know. Tomorrow starts a new phase; I'm eating and exercising not to maintain weight, but to maintain energy. I need to have energy to get this child out of me in about 6 weeks, and energy to recover quickly so that I can get my booty back in the gym ASAP.

I have some new plans, but I'm keeping them under wraps until way later. Preferably until after I accomplish them. I love that I've seemingly inspired some people to make a lifestyle change, but there are some things that I just want to myself and I really don't want copied. I then feel like I'm competing with someone which brings out a whole different side of me. Its not usually pretty.

I was pretty upset when I found out that we weren't going to be able to bring "the beast" out here to VA with us; but as always my husband found a way to make it up to me <3 The Beast's twin (which is yet to be named) now resides with us here, and the Beast itself has found a new home. I am definitely stoked that it will be going home with someone who can appreciate it as I do.

Anyways, I need to get to my homework. One goal of mine that I don't mind sharing, is that I want to have my entire ISSA program completed by the time this baby is born. Once that is complete, I can relax a little, focus on my kids, and when given the OK I can start focusing on me again... in the gym :D
That's when the real work starts.

1 comment:

  1. The Beast will definitely be appreciated. :-)
